# This script reads in an AOL text mail file and strips of the "headers" # at the end of the file which tend to confuse some file viewers. # Written by William Cameron, 29 Nov 1997. # Requires MacPerl by Matthias Neeracher and Tim Endres # This is what precedes the headers in AOL mail files. $header = "----------------------- Headers --------------------------------\n"; $index = 0; # this variable used to address each filename in @ARGV # For each of the files dropped on this droplet do the following: # read in a line # check to see if it is the AOL Header line # if not, write the line to a file of the same name on the desktop # if it does match, close the input and output files, and get the next file while ($ARGV[$index]){ $infile = $ARGV[$index]; @path = split(/:/, $infile); open (IN, "$infile"); # THE NEXT THREE LINES ARE NO LONGER APPLIED--not general enough # Match up to the last 31 characters following a colon--this is the file name. # Replace the path with the destination path as coded. # $outfile =~ s/.+:([ -9;-~]{1,31})$/Kermie 234:Desktop Folder:$1/; # # Instead, we do it this way. # $path[0] is the name of the drive the files were on # $#path is the index of the last element of the array @path, # so $path[$#path] is the name of the file. $outfile = $path[0] . ':' . 'Desktop Folder' . ':' . $path[$#path]; open(OUT, ">>$outfile"); MacPerl::SetFileInfo('R*ch', 'TEXT', $outfile); while ($line = ) { last if ($line eq $header); print OUT $line; } close (IN); close (OUT); $index++; }